Forever Fast Break Bar benefits

Take a break from cravings with this irresistible energy bar

• 11 grams of protein
• Meal replacement and energy booster
• Delicious peanut butter and chocolate flavor
• No trans-fat or cholesterol
• Vegetarian friendly
• Gluten free

Kick your cravings to the curb with 11 grams of protein and the irresistible flavor combination of peanut butter and chocolate. Forever Fast Break® is everything you could want in a meal replacement bar; delicious, vitamin-packed and loaded with 11 grams of protein, as much as two eggs!

This great tasting energy bar is a great companion for your weight management routine that can help you reach your goals while providing important nutrition.

The 3 grams of fiber you’ll get with Forever Fast Break® will help you feel fuller for longer and promote healthy digestion. This next-generation protein bar is loaded with vitamins and minerals that were chosen to help speed up the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates while keeping your body supplied with key nutrients.

In fact, you can replace up to two meals a day with this versatile protein bar thanks to the amount of protein, fiber and vitamins available in every serving.

Hitting your weight loss goals can taste great while leaving you feeling nourished and energized. Keep yourself on track with Forever Fast Break®. This on-the-go energy bar can help you control your weight as part of a calorie-controlled diet and exercise program

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